

9. Dezember 2015 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar

ppm-local is a Perl-script to create a local copy of the ActiveState Perl Package Manager repository.


stripClip: strip format from clipboard

30. Juli 2015 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar

When copying text from one rich text editor to another, the original format will be preserved by the Windows clipboard. While this behaviour might be wanted in some scenarios, sometimes - when copying from Microsoft Word to a CMS backend for example - copying just the contents without the format would be the preferred way.

A quick & dirty solution is to copy the text first to the Windows Notepad, and then from Notepad to the target application - a way that might be suitable a few copies but also a way that get’s frustrating when having to copy a larger quantity of text snippets.

This is where stripClip comes in: a lightweight (32kb) application that - when active - strips the format from text the moment the text is copied to the clipboard.



29. Mai 2014 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar

backupDB is a PHP script to dump a MySQL database and send the dump to a given e-mail for backup purposes.
It was inspired by the backup function of the WordPress plugin “wp-dbmanager”.


4ier - a Google Nexus 4 wallpaper

3. Dezember 2013 · Downloads · andreas · 1 Kommentar

4ierThe new default wallpaper for the Nexus 5 looks great on the Nexus 4 devices too, but the 5 in the wallpaper doesn’t feel quite right.

So here’s an interpretation of a “4” (called vier in German) using similar colors and gradients.


19. März 2011 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar

tinyTimer is a small (in screen size and kB) stopwatch for Windows.
