Blackmore's Night in Mainz

Yesterday evening was the Blackmore’s Night gig in Mainz. It was a great gig (except Greensleeves - which I didn’t like - but it had an excellent solo) with Ritchie in an incredible mood.
As far as I remember, the setlist included: full “Shadow Of The Moon”, a new track (again something with “moon”), 1 or 2 not recorded songs, the Rainbow-tunes “Still I’m Sad”, “Temple Of The King”, “Greensleeves”, “Ariel”
Only Purple-tune was a “Black Night”-jam at the end of the concert, with Candice reaching the microphone to the fans - a really funny experience.
Overall playing time about 2 hours.
Oh - and before I forget: while introducing the new song, Candice said it will appear on the next Blackmore’s Night album…
Only question that remains: why has noone mentioned the good looking girl on 2nd guitar so far????? :)