
29. Mai 2013 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar
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backupDB is a PHP script to dump a MySQL database and send the dump to a given e-mail for backup purposes.
It was inspired by the backup function of the WordPress plugin “wp-dbmanager”.


backupDB is published under GPL/GNUv3

System requirements

  • PHP 4.x or newer
  • MySQL 4.x or newer


Download the package and unpack it. Edit “config.php” for custom configuration.


Delete the contents of the package.


Once installed, run “backupDB.php”


  • $backup[‘path’]
    path where the backups will be temporarily stored; default is script location
  • $backup[’log’]
    path where logfile will be stored; default is script location
  • $backup[’email’]
    the email address where the backups will be send to
  • $backup[’todo’]
    list of databases to backup

$backup[’todo’] options

  • description
    Description of the database, will be used as mail subject
  • host
    database host
  • database
    database name
  • ignore-table
    comma separated list of name(s) of database table(s) to exclude from backup; leave empty if all tables should be included, no whitespaces allowed
  • user
    database user
  • password
    database password


This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.

Use at OWN risk!


Download (backupDB v0.3; RAR-archive; 14kB)


0.3 [2014-05-27]:

  • changed: ignore-table now accepts more than one tablename

0.2 [2013-10-26]:

  • added: description for backup set
  • added: option to exclude single table

0.1 [2013-05-29]:

  • initial release
last update: see Changelog