Joomla! plugin sectionList

26. Oktober 2010 · Downloads · andreas · 46 Kommentare
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sectionList is a plugin for for Joomla! 2.5.x / 3.x / 4.x., displaying a list of articles assigned to a category within your text.

The configurable list will be grouped by category tree.


sectionList is published under GNU/GPLv3

System Requirements

  • Joomla! 1.5 / 2.5.x / 3.x / 4.x
  • PHP 5.x or newer (0.11+ tested up to PHP 8.x)


Download the plugin using the link at the end of this page.

Install the package using the Joomla! Extension Manager.

Activate the plugin by either clicking on the “Status” column of the sectionList entry within the Extension Manager or Plug-in Manager or open the plugin-options by clicking on the name and change the status from “Disabled” to “Enabled”.


Uninstall the plugin by using the Joomla! Extension Manager. Don’t forget to remove all sectionList references within your articles!


To display the list of articles, add

{sectionlist ID}

at the position you want to insert the list. The plugin will replace the markup with the corresponding category list.

To find the ID for a category, have a look at the rightmost column of the Category Manager.


  • Heading level: Starting level of heading tags
  • Start category title: Show title of starting category.
    If ’no’ is selected, heading level of first category will still be ‘Heading level’ + 1
  • List type: Type of list to display articles (unordered / ordered)
  • Article count: show number of articles for each category
  • Style: CSS style assigned to sectionList
  • Sort by: Column the articles are sorted by
  • Sort order: Order how the articles are sorted
  • Limit: Maximum number of articles displayed (0 = unlimited).
    This will limit the number of displayed articles for each call of the plugin, not for each category displayed. Be careful when using this option in recursive category structures.
  • Ignore categories: Comma seperated list of category ids to ignore
  • Ignore ACL: Ignore accesslist and display links to all articles (pre 0.10 behaviour)
  • Layout: Use article title for sectionLists or use custom layout
  • Custom layout: Custom layout for sectionLists, see section “Custom layout” for details
  • Date format: strftime compatible string, without the leading ‘%’

Custom layout

After enabling the custom layout option, the contents of the “custom layout” box will be used instead of the linked article title to generate the lists.

Within this box, you define the contents between the opening and closing “<li>"-tag of each list item using standard HTML code and some special tags to insert the article data.

To do exactly what the “title”-layout option does, enter

<a href="###url###">###title###</a>

Besides the URL and title, there are several other tags you can use:

  • ###alias###: the alias of the article
  • ###aliasname###: the “created by” alias name set in the publishing options
  • ###author###: the author of the article
  • ###date###: the date (and / or time) the article has been published
  • ###id###: the id of the article
  • ###title###: the title of the article
  • ###url###: the url to the article
  • ###username###: the Joomla! username

So using all possible options, you might also enter something like

On ###date###, ###author### (user ###username###) wrote an article with the internal id ###id### and was aliased as '###alias###'. To access this article, open <a href="###url###">###title###</a>

into the custom layout box.


This software is provided as is without any guarantees or warranty.

Use at OWN risk!


This plugin is not under active development.
Download and usage is not recommended for new installations.

Download (sectionlist v0.11 for Joomla! 2.5/3.x/4.x; ZIP-archive; 22kB)

Download (sectionlist v0.1 for Joomla! 1.5; ZIP-archive; 2kB)


0.11 [2024-04-25]:

  • added: Joomla! 4.x compatibility
  • changed: URL of update file (rewrite for old URL is in place)

0.10.5 [2017-09-27]:

  • fixed: sectionList will ignore categories which are not published

0.10.4 [2017-04-26]:

  • fixed: updated code to prevent PHP7 “deprecated” warning

0.10.3 [2017-04-09]:

  • fixed: option “Start category title”

0.10.2 [2016-04-25]:

  • added: option to ignore ACL (pre 0.10 behaviour); thanks to Wim for suggesting

0.10.1 [2016-04-02]:

  • fixed: several notifications during link creation; thanks to MM for reporting

  • changed: minor code cleanup

0.10 [2016-03-03]:

  • added: access level handling
  • added: option to exclude categories
  • added: option to show article count for each section
  • fixed: heading level

0.9 [2014-03-09]:

  • added: Joomla! 3.x compatibility; thanks to Cooper Brislain

0.8.1 [2013-09-17]:

  • fixed: default settings; thanks to enoctis for reporting

0.8 [2013-05-13]:

  • added: tags ###aliasname### and ###username### for the custom layout option
  • added: sort options by id and by hits
  • fixed: “Only variables should be assigned by reference” when using PHP 5.4x

0.7 [2012-10-11]:

  • added: custom layout option

0.6 [2012-10-01]:

  • added: sort option “published”; thanks to Taryn for suggesting
  • added: option to limit the nuber of displayed articles for each call of the plugin; thanks to Taryn for suggesting

0.5 [2012-09-14]:

  • added: sort options (sort articles by title or ordering; ascending or descending); thanks to Elisabeth Bartl for suggesting

0.4 [2012-07-04]:

  • added: sectionList now supports updates using the Joomla! Extension Manager

0.3.2 [2012-07-02]:

  • fixed: sectionLists are now also displayed in blog and frontpage view

0.3.1 [2012-07-01]:

  • fixed: plugin did only process first sectionList; thanks to Alex Chartier for reporting

0.3 [2012-06-22]:

  • fixed: ‘Warning: Missing argument 4 for plgContentSectionList::onContentAfterDisplay()’ in media manager
  • added: multi-language-capability; included languages: de-DE and en-GB
  • changed: license is now GNU/GPLv3

0.2 [2012-06-01]:

  • initial release for Joomla! 2.5

0.1 [2010-10-26]:

  • initial release for Joomla! 1.5
  • final release for Joomla! 1.5
last update: see Changelog