
Joomla! component tinyDoc

18. Juni 2012 · Downloads · andreas · 40 Kommentare
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tinyDoc is a document management system for Joomla! 2.5.x / 3.x / 4.x.

It allows you to upload and manage files on your Joomla! site, organize them by folders and assign icons for distinct file types.

This is the component for the administrator section - the output will be done using the tinyDoc module or by linking to a file using the Joomla! menu manager.


stripClip: strip format from clipboard

06. Mai 2012 · Downloads · andreas · Kein Kommentar
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When copying text from one rich text editor to another, the original format will be preserved by the Windows clipboard. While this behaviour might be wanted in some scenarios, sometimes - when copying from Microsoft Word to a CMS backend for example - copying just the contents without the format would be the preferred way.

A quick & dirty solution is to copy the text first to the Windows Notepad, and then from Notepad to the target application - a way that might be suitable a few copies but also a way that get’s frustrating when having to copy a larger quantity of text snippets.

This is where stripClip comes in: a lightweight (32kb) application that - when active - strips the format from text the moment the text is copied to the clipboard.


aeroCMD: transparency for the Windows command prompt

27. November 2010 · Downloads · andreas · 5 Kommentare
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aeroCMD enables transparency for your Windows command prompt (and other applications):

aeroCMD Screenshot

Inspired by the AutoIt-application “Glass CMD”, the basic idea behind aeroCMD was to do the same thing without the overhead of a scripting system running in the background. There’s already a pure C++ application called “Glassy” out there, but according to it’s description it works on 32bit “cmd.exe” only.

aeroCMD is a lightweight (57kb) application that works with 32bit and 64bit “cmd.exe”, “powershell.exe” and (since release 1.4) a configurable list of other applications.


Joomla! plugin sectionList

26. Oktober 2010 · Downloads · andreas · 46 Kommentare
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sectionList is a plugin for for Joomla! 2.5.x / 3.x / 4.x., displaying a list of articles assigned to a category within your text.

The configurable list will be grouped by category tree.


TemplatePower PERL module

21. Februar 2006 · Downloads · andreas · 1 Kommentar
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TemplatePower is a lightweight templating system for Perl which includes nested block support. As most templating systems, it’s main purpose is to seperate program code from layout of the output.

TemplatePower is basically an expanded straightforward Perl port of PHP class TemplatePower (release 1.6.2) and offers full template-compatibility.
