Deep Purple - Made In Japan 25th Anniversary

14. Januar 1998 · Audio · andreas · Kein Kommentar

Tataaaaaa, here it is: The 25th anniversary release of one of the best live recordings of all times - Deep Purples “Made In Japan”.

I wasn’t too sure what to expect: “In Rock 25” set a level that seemed impossible to top for further releases, and “Fireball 25” finally showed me how brilliant the “Fireball”-recording really was. First problems IMHO came up with “Machine Head 25” - the anniversary release of the Deep Purple “hit album” and mega seller - it was nice to get it in excellent sound and also to get the different mixes; but I was missing the things that made “In Rock 25” and “Fireball 25” so exciting - all that stuff that has never seen the light of being published over the years. And now “Made In Japan 25”…!? I already have the original CD release, the “Live In Japan” 3CD set - and now again a 2CD set ahead to buy… sounded a little bit too much to me…

But finally I got the CDs - a typical EMI promotional release - so I can’t say anything about artwork, booklet, etc. The first CD features the original “Made In Japan” in digitally enhanced sound whilst the second CD offers “Black Night” and “Speed King” from Tokyo (17th August) and “Lucille” from Osaka (16th August), all labeled “previously unreleased”.

So I put CD1 into my CD-player, set the amp to “give the neighbours what they deserve” and enjoyed a really blasting version of the original “Made In Japan” set. I haven’t compared it to the mixes on “Live In Japan”, so I can’t say anything about further enhancement or things like that; but I can say for sure that it sounds damn fresh for a 25 years old recording.

Then it was time for the second CD. I was a bit disappointed when looking at the running-time: only about 22 minutes - so it has just the usual Maxi-CD problem: you put it in the player, press “start” and don’t need to walk away very far, because you have to change the CD soon again. So I set my CD player to “loop mode” and what should I say? I didn’t change the CD during the next 2 hours. This CD really rocks! “Black Night” is a really nice take of that song - same goes for “Lucille”; but the real highlight is “Speed King”. Not only that is is a very electric and dynamic version of that song - it also captures a moment when something within the audience seemed to go wrong. I can’t exactly say what it is - maybe a struggle between the audience and security which Ian Gillan tried to solve - hopefully the booklet of the final release will tell us more.

So at the end there are just five words to say “Buy it, you won’t regret!”

Blackmore's Night in Mainz

15. Dezember 1997 · Konzerte · andreas · Kein Kommentar

Yesterday evening was the Blackmore’s Night gig in Mainz. It was a great gig (except Greensleeves - which I didn’t like - but it had an excellent solo) with Ritchie in an incredible mood.

As far as I remember, the setlist included: full “Shadow Of The Moon”, a new track (again something with “moon”), 1 or 2 not recorded songs, the Rainbow-tunes “Still I’m Sad”, “Temple Of The King”, “Greensleeves”, “Ariel”

Only Purple-tune was a “Black Night”-jam at the end of the concert, with Candice reaching the microphone to the fans - a really funny experience.

Overall playing time about 2 hours.

Oh - and before I forget: while introducing the new song, Candice said it will appear on the next Blackmore’s Night album…

Only question that remains: why has noone mentioned the good looking girl on 2nd guitar so far????? :)

Deep Purple / Pan Ram tour 1996

02. April 1996 · Konzerte · andreas · Kein Kommentar

Deep Purple in Ulm (12/03 - first) and Hanau (30/03 - last gig in Germany) or “Who needs Ritchie Blackmore ???”

As I was just there to enjoy the music, I’ve made no notes and therefore here are only a few thoughts about both gigs:

the venue:

Both venues about the same size. No controls of the audience in Ulm, each one was searched in Hanau. “No Smoking!” in Hanau - this must be the real spirit of Rock’n’Roll. :-)

the audience:

Typical Deep Purple audience in Ulm - people of all ages, well mixed. In Hanau the average age of the audience seemed to be lower - more younger people than at the other DP gigs I’ve been.

the support: Pan Ram

In Ulm, I thought that I was one of the three or four people who enjoyed their show. The main part of the audience seemed to dislike them. In Hanau, their performance had become a little better than in Ulm. Also the acceptance by the audience was way better than in Ulm. No “Deep Purple” cries during their show, no whistles.

the sound:

Not so good in Ulm, but very clear and well balanced in Hanau.

the merchandise:

Partially cheaper in Hanau than in Ulm. I really don’t know why. I’ve bought a t-shirt, a mug and the yearbook, which is really great. Merchandise stand in the middle of the hall in Hanau, directly behind the mixing equipment.

Deep Purple:

Really great at both venues - they really blew me away. The set included “Purpendicular Waltz” in Hanau, which was left away in Ulm. Ian Gillan changed his clothing from his well know jacket in Ulm to a Purpendicular T-shirt in Hanau (where he was also wearing a grey hat, a grey pullover and a DP shawl from time to time). Roger was wearing a blue scarf in Ulm and one with Yin/Yan in Hanau. Steve used his wolf-T-shirt in Ulm and a multi-colored one in Hanau. Jon and Ian Paice desssed the same at both gigs.

Instead of a detailed review of the musical performance just one quotation of a guy who has seen them first back in ‘72: “The best Deep Purple I’ve ever seen! - Who needs Ritchie Blackmore?”


I had an absolutely great time - ‘hope to see them again soon …

Appomatox - Seal Your Fate

18. August 1994 · Audio · andreas · Kein Kommentar

Mit recht melodischem Metal kommen Appomatox aus Geislingen daher. Die Musik an sich ist ziemlich gut, auch wenn beim Song “Fate” der Gesang etwas zu sehr an Helloween erinnert (aber wirklich nur etwas) und sich die Texte an manchen Stellen ein bißchen zu zwangs-gereimt anhören. Da mir zur Band leider keine über das Tape hinausreichende Infos vorliegen, bleibt mir eigentlich nur noch, Euch zu erzählen, was ihr für Eure ?? DM erhaltet: Ein 5-Track-Tape, eingepackt in ein Booklet, in dem sich sowohl ein Bandphoto als auch die kompletten Texte befinden und mit dem Abbild eines menschlichen Wesens auf dem Cover, bei dem ich leider bis jetzt noch nicht definitiv feststellen konnte, welchen Geschlechts es denn sein soll. Erhältlich bei: Adresse.

Asgard - Asgard

18. August 1994 · Audio · andreas · Kein Kommentar

Einen ziemlich lieblos gemachten Eindruck mach die “Demo”-Demo von Asgard auf mich. Unbetitelt, in einer normalen Tapehülle, ohne Cover, Texte oder Auflistung der “Mitwirkenden” - da bleibt außer der Kassette an sich nicht mehr viel übrig. Nur die Namen der Songs wurden auf dem Tape verewigt. Also hilft nur noch ein Blick ins Info. Bei “Demo” handelt es sich um die erste Demo von Asgard, die im Juni 1992 aufgenommen wurde. Ich richtete mich nach der freundlichen Aufforderung “alles weitere entnehmen Sie bitte der Kassette”, schob diese in mein Tapedeck und drückte auf Play. Leider wurde auch hier mein erster Eindruck nicht revidiert. Die Musik, Metal (was sonst !?!), an sich nicht schlecht gemacht, verlor sich in einem Soundbrei, der mich unweigerlich an die uralten Motörhead-Alben erinnerte. Es erwartet ja niemand eine lupenreine CD-Produktion, aber die einzellnen Instrumente sollte man schon auseinanderhalten können. Da sich auch die Stimme des Sängers mehr im Brei verliert, als sie brilliert, möchte ich auf eine genauere Wertung der Musik an dieser Stelle verzichten. Für 10 DM bei: Adresse.